2021 Summer UI Faculty/Staff/Student League
Rule 1: Players
Each team is made up of 2 players. Players can be UI Faculty, Staff, Retirees, or Students. Spouses or immediate family of UI Faculty/Staff/Retirees/Students are also eligible for play but must play with a current UI Faculty/Staff/Retiree/Student.
Rule 2: League Play
Each week teams are matched up against another team in their league. At the beginning of the season, Finkbine will set a tee time for each match, each week. Teams will have balanced schedules throughout the 8-week period. Once registration is complete, a schedule for all 10 weeks will be distributed.
Rule 3: Handicaps
Each player’s handicap will be 90% of the difference between the player’s average score and scratch. The first night of play you will figure your handicap using the 90% rule. After the first night of play, your handicap will be determined by the average of the scores you have shot. Subs may be used and will have the same criteria for handicapping. The maximum handicap will be 30.
Rule 4: Scoring
Teams will be playing for points against both the other team in their foursomes and the other teams in the league. Individuals will play a stableford format. Individuals will receive 1 point for a net bogey, 2 points for a net par, 4 points for a net birdie, 8 points for a net eagle, and 16 points for a net double eagle. At the end of the nine holes, teams will add the two players points together and that will be your team score. The team in the foursome with the highest score will be awarded 4 team points. Teams will also receive 2 points for every team they beat. For example, if there are ten teams in the league, the team with the most points after nine holes will be awarded 20 points and another 4 points for winning their match. In the case of a ten-team league, 24 points could be won each week.
Rule 5: Tee Boxes
Women tee off from the gray tee markers. Men tee off from the gold tee markers; however, men who are 65 and older have the option to tee off from the white tee markers. Any players age 80 and above may hit from the gray tee markers.
Rule 6: Pace of Play
Due to the number of teams and the limited amount of daylight, it is very important that you keep pace with the group ahead of you. Please work hard to keep up. Please limit practice swings to one or less.
Rule 7: Scorecards
Ensure your scorecard is filled out with names, date, and each player’s gross strokes per hole. Turn scorecard into the golf shop following the round.
Rule 8: Stroke Limit
A player may pick up their ball once they have reached a net double bogey (two over par) and has not completed the hole. With the stableford format, any score higher than a net bogey will not receive any points towards the team score.
Rule 9: Putting
Each hole will have a 3-putt maximum from the green. If your ball is on the green, and you do not hole out after your first two putts, you do not need to putt again. You will automatically add one more stroke to your score, and pick-up your ball. EXCEPTION: If one of your first two putts goes off the green, you must hit it back onto the green before you can add a stroke and pick-up. If a putt is inside 2-feet, it is “good” and does not need to be holed out. Players can use the flagstick to measure if unsure whether or not a putt is “good.”
Rule 10: Playing Rules
Summer rules of the USGA will be used in situations not covered here:
Players can improve their lies by moving the ball no more than one club head (6 inches) but may not move closer to the hole. Players cannot change the condition of the ball without penalty, ex: move the ball out of a bunker, out of the water, from behind a tree, from rough into the fairway, etc.
If a ball is lost or hit out-of-bounds, it will be treated as a red penalty area. After up to three minutes of searching, the player may drop in the general area of where the ball was lost and take a one-stroke penalty. The area where you drop must be approved by the group.
Rule 11: Looking for a Ball
A player may search for a ball for THREE MINUTES before the ball is declared lost.
Rule 12: Substitutions
Individual matches will not be made-up. Substitutes or blinds may be used. When using a blind, 9 points will be added to the partners score which will make your team score. On any given night, a team can use two subs, but a team cannot use two blinds together on the same night. It is possible to use a sub and a blind. Subs can be any UI faculty/staff/student or public person.
Rule 13: Rainout/Lightning Policy
The Finkbine Staff will make the decision as to whether or not the league will be called-off. If more than half of the section does not complete their rounds, no scores will be counted, and that entire week will be made up (if possible). If at least half of the groups in a section completes their rounds, those groups who have not finished will take the scores on the unfinished holes from their last completed league round. If there has not been a completed round for a golfer, he/she must make-up the uncompleted holes within 6 days, otherwise that week the team will be scored incomplete and finish in last place.
Rule 14: Prizes
Weekly prizes and league prizes will be rewarded by UI Rec Services